
美国之音: 美国习惯用语第790讲

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Aug 29th 2013, 13:54, by noreply@voanews.com (美国之音)

我刚刚把最近一次家庭聚会的照片洗出来。我们往年的家庭聚会都是在我姑妈家,今年决定换换花样,全家去了游乐园。要形容那天的感受,用下面这个习惯用语再合适不过了。Have a field day. Field在中文里是场地的意思。不过,Have a field day并不是指出去玩一天,而是指玩得特别痛快,特别过瘾的意思。

现在你明白了吧,我们全家老小在游乐场里玩得十分尽兴,所以说, we had a field day at the amusement park. 我觉得,我们以后应该每年都到那里去。


例句-1:The children in the cancer ward got a big surprise. The nurses rented a bus and took them and their families to the circus. Watching the animals, acrobats and clowns perform, the kids were having a field day. What a joy it was to see their smiling faces!


我以前曾经在一家养老院里做义工。我们隔一段时间就会带这些老人们出去走走。由于他们平常很少有机会出去,所以每次去公园玩,或是去听音乐会,他们都会高兴得不得了。They'd have a field day. 我们一般都不会想到,逛公园这种日常活动对老年人来说是多么的难得。


其实,Have a field day, 不仅可以指玩得特别高兴,还可以用来指嘲笑和批判的机会。让我们听听下面这个新闻主播的报导。

例句-2:For years, the all-star quarterback toured the country warning students about the dangers of using illegal drugs. But after his conviction for cocaine possession, the press had a field day. They accused him of being nothing but a hypocrite.


大家肯定还记得,伊朗总统艾哈迈迪内贾德九月份在美国纽约的哥伦比亚大学发表演说,引起了很大的争议。纽约有些小报用疯子和邪恶来形容他。New York's tabloids had a field day with him. 与此相比,海外的报导则比较克制。

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