跟亲戚住在一起有的时候并不容易。我姑姑生病后一直由我来照顾,她整天抱怨这抱怨那,昨天我真急了,差点跟她吵起来。好在我最后came to my senses, 最后还是克制住了。我们今天要学的习惯用语come to one's senses,用在这里就十分贴切。
Come to one's senses这个习惯用语是恢复理性,醒悟过来的意思。我姑姑病的症状之一就是浑身疼痛。这自然会影响到她的情绪,我应该体谅她才对。好在我come to my senses, 没有对她发火。
下面这个例句里的父亲希望自己的女儿Marie能醒悟过来,come to her senses, 为什么呢?让我们听听他是怎么说的。
例句-1:Marie hasn't had much success as a dancer in New York City. Despite her talent, there's too much competition and not enough opportunity. I think she needs to be more realistic about what's she's doing with her life. If you ask me, she should come to her senses.
这跟有些人的执迷不悟不一样。我有个朋友,一心要把房间刷成黑色,房间本来就不大,光线又不好,我真希望he will come to his sense, 否则他一定会后悔。
例句-2:After our neighbors took us for a ride in their convertible, we thought about buying one. But we realized we weren't using very good judgment. There's nothing wrong with the car we have now. So we've come to our senses and decided to save our money instead.
我的同事前一段时间也曾经想买车,他计算了一下养车的开销,要保养、买停车位,还要买保险。That's when he came to his senses. 现在,他需要的时候就上网租车,然后在附近取车,按小时计价,完全可以满足他的要求。